This week saw the kids of JHOSHC stuck in lockdown. While this sadly meant that we couldn't all gather together like usual, we still had a solid group of 10-15 kids here with us each day ready to have a bit of fun.

Some big changes that were made were primarily to do with which spaces we could access. Because there are only ever 2 (sometimes 3) staff here, we couldn't go adventuring off to the oval or junior playground like we're used to. Instead we spent a lot of time in the garden and the senior playground which we're glad to report back that it was well received.

Another activity that took the kids by storm was hama beads. Even the children who usually go running when they hear the word 'craft' got amongst it and resulted in some super cool creations. This is an awesome activity for building fine motor skills so next time you're at Ikea, grab some and show us what you can make!

Here's to hoping that Lockdown ends on Sunday and that we get to see all of your smiling faces soon, but until then, keep your heads up and we'll see you soon.